Welcome to the new site. Simply going to call it John Larkin. Original, eh?
This site is starting from scratch. Simple. This is the second post.
This is a WordPress site. An excellent tool. I will add to the site gradually and hopefully you can watch it evolve as I add plug-ins, content and code. My original plan was to have a complete web site up and running with all the galleries, workshop materials, resources and content. Too time consuming and too bloody difficult. My workshop resources and teacher guides will be the initial items added to the site in the coming days.
The Feedburner RSS feed address for my new blog remains unchanged at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Teachtech
TeachTech was my old blogger blog from way back in the mists of time.
So, sit back and relax as I build this site and I will share with you the processes, the problems and the solutions. Wish me luck.
PS. March 29th, 2011. I closed comments on this post as for some strange reason all the spam was being directed at this single post. If you are genuine then use the contact form available via the About menu.
Tony Searl
Jan 02, 2011 @ 10:11:54
Hi John
Happy New Year to you my friend.
Looking forward to watching your new blog evolve and grow.
best wishes
Jan 02, 2011 @ 11:48:50
Thanks Tony!
The first to comment on my new site! I feel honoured!
Stay connected and hopefully we and our classes can collaborate!
Cheers, John!