Recently Darcy Moore wrote a post on his blog regarding a significant blog post by another educator, Mal Lee. A component of Darcy’s post reverberated for me and I quote as follows:
In a period of constant political and media babble about educational reform very little is effectively happening in systems to truly address the gargantuan social changes our societies have experienced. The reality is that 16 year olds commence their senior studies in Year 11 doing what their parents and grandparents did, preparing to write fast in exams. The truth is that technology may be used to assist students prepare for these tests or even, if they’re lucky, be used for school-based assessment tasks but is not needed at all (except to get your results by SMS at the end of the process). The Australian Curriculum will make no difference to this HSC system that rules education in our state.
I responded to this with a comment on Darcy’s blog as follows:
The sooner the HSC is dumped the better. It has changed little since 1976. It does not meet the needs of that ever increasing cohort of students that once departed school at the conclusion of Year 10. They struggle with the gargantuan and almost prehistoric beast that is the HSC. The HSC is an artefact of a bygone era. Time to kill it off.
If parents and/or principals want an examination at the end of Year 12 then offer the IB as an option.
I wonder how the current crop of Year 11 students will manage when they attempt the HSC in 2014? They are the first cohort not to undertake the School Certificate. The HSC will be their first and probably last major external examination.
Dumping the School Certificate has liberated teaching in Years 9 and 10. Dumping the HSC can have a similar impact in Years 11 and 12 in NSW.
Russell (who had commented on the trickle down effect of the HSC) is right. The rules and assessment regulations of the HSC have trickled down to Years 7 to 10 with assessment schedules, penalties, submission receipts, complicated policies, meaningless outcomes, concrete deadlines, and other bureaucratic idiocies.
On a pragmatic level dumping the HSC will also save the NSW State Government millions of dollars each year. Spend the money on something more useful in education.
This is how I feel. The tertiary and corporate sectors can develop their own entrance examinations. The HSC has evolved into a baggy monster, in the Dickensian sense, and it has spawned a plethora of rules, regulations and requirements that have ripped the very heart and soul out of education as they filter down to the earlier years, down to Years 7 and 10 in particular.
Assessment tasks have robbed education of its joy. The policies and the policing that are associated with formal assessment tasks cater to the wishes and needs of the few… bureaucrats, litigious parents and others ensconced in a cubicle. Education is supposed to be a joyful experience and not a fearful existence for students that find themselves stressing about the minutiae of assessment regulations.
In an effort to create a supposedly egalitarian, and incontestable, test for all, assessment tasks are constrained by ridiculous parameters and precise outcomes that do not allow students to shine or excel using the differing talents and styles that they possess. They must observe the same guidelines as every other student in the cohort. Assessment tasks are an anathema to the expression of creativity and individuality.
Year 12 everywhere has suffered. Government regulations that mandate children attend school till they are 17. Not all 17 year olds are geared for the HSC and its obligations. Reduced subject lines and limited subject options for students can impact a student’s capacity to choose appropriate subjects and thus to excel. Archaic examinations that have changed little in 30 years. The HSC is largely a pen and paper examination with a ticking bloody clock for goodness sake! How incredibly draconian is that?
For many students in NSW the HSC will be the most stressful and difficult moment of their entire life. Some students even commit suicide due to the pressures of the HSC*. They devote 13 years of their life to compulsory education only to conclude it with a monstrous experience known as the HSC. This applies to all students regardless of their abilities, skills and talents.
The world has changed. Students have changed. The way students learn has changed. Teaching has evolved. Teachers are changing. The HSC is not. The HSC is a lumbering, limping old beast that needs to be taken out to the paddock, shot with a .303 rifle in the head and buried in a deep hole. A very deep hole.
*Parents warned: Don’t nag students over HSC. Accessed March 26th 2013.
*Suicide linked to pressure of HSC. Accessed March 26th 2013.
Mar 26, 2013 @ 19:18:40
It is time to bury the HSC. Dump it in a very deep hole. #NSW #HSC
Mar 26, 2013 @ 19:41:31
RT @john_larkin: It is time to bury the HSC. Dump it in a very deep hole. #NSW #HSC
Mar 26, 2013 @ 19:42:07
RT @john_larkin: It is time to bury the HSC. Dump it in a very deep hole. #NSW #HSC
Mar 26, 2013 @ 19:45:25
RT @john_larkin: It is time to bury the HSC. Dump it in a very deep hole. #NSW #HSC
Mar 26, 2013 @ 19:48:24
Good work @john_larkin #HSC #reform
Mar 26, 2013 @ 21:20:59
RT @Darcy1968: Good work @john_larkin #HSC #reform
Mar 26, 2013 @ 21:29:05
RT @john_larkin: It is time to bury the HSC. Dump it in a very deep hole. #NSW #HSC
Mar 27, 2013 @ 04:25:28
RT @john_larkin: It is time to bury the HSC. Dump it in a very deep hole. #NSW #HSC
Mar 27, 2013 @ 05:54:31
RT @john_larkin: It is time to bury the HSC. Dump it in a very deep hole. #NSW #HSC
Mar 27, 2013 @ 06:22:27
It is time to put the HSC in NSW out of its misery and put it down, for good. #HSC #NSW
Mar 29, 2013 @ 10:12:29
Spot on, brother John. Another hang-over from a bygone era (the 60s) is the emphasis on Maths and Science. I’m a Maths teacher and I think Maths should be optional after Year 8.
Mar 29, 2013 @ 18:27:59
Thanks Paul, my big brother! Imagine if we eliminate the HSC… curriculum co-ordinators could actually do their job… co-ordinate curriculum instead of looking after all of the paperwork and endless data checking that goes with the HSC. Cheers, John.
Mar 29, 2013 @ 19:50:05
Wrote this earlier in the week. Time to put the HSC out of its misery & bury it in a deep, deep hole.
Mar 29, 2013 @ 21:29:48
RT @john_larkin: Time to put the HSC out of its misery and bury it in a deep, deep hole.
Mar 29, 2013 @ 21:39:12
RT @john_larkin: Wrote this earlier in the week. Time to put the HSC out of its misery & bury it in a deep, deep hole.
Mar 30, 2013 @ 08:07:26
My current, and quite well received rant: “Time to bury the HSC in a very deep unmarked grave.”
Oct 01, 2013 @ 15:23:30
I do agree that the HSC should be revamped. Furthermore, I do agree that students are going to be chucked into the deep end if they don’t go through the school certificate in year 10.
However, I don’t know if there is a viable option apart from the HSC. When you say that universities should have their own entrance exams, these would be just as strenuous as the HSC. Furthermore, I wonder if children who aren’t doing academically well will feel intimidated to even apply for these exams, especially at the top universities.
But I do agree John, the HSC can be quite stupid. My cousin suffered depression last year during the whole process. Likewise, I started university with a crappy ATAR but have recently transferred into law. So really….. the ATAR/HSC meant nothing.
Oct 02, 2013 @ 17:51:39
Thank you for your reply. I do believe that an entrance examination devised by Australian universities would not be as strenuous as the HSC and its equivalent elsewhere in the country. A single, three hour examination, conducted by the universities, would not be as stressful as the sequence of HSC examinations conducted over a three to four week period.
Entrance style examinations could be developed by corporate and industry bodies as well.
Universities can still tap into results and grades generated by students during their last two years of schooling, as they do now, to generate early offers to students performing well at school.
The HSC is a baggy monster, in the Dickensian sense. It is a product of the 1960s. It is time for it to go. It’s departure will allow teachers and curriculum coordinators to focus on what they do best: teach and facilitate learning. Teachers and students can focus on the wonder, joy and excitement of the subjects that they chose to study. The school can focus on the wellbeing of their final year students and appropriately prepare them for life after school. This seems such a better alternative to cramming for examinations that seem so out of place a the world that the students are about to enter.
The last time I did a three hour examination was the HSC in 1976. I never went through a three hour examination during any of my tertiary studies and certainly never in the workplace. The HSC structure and format does not match today’s reality.