British Council Learn English Kids ~ Family
Target group
This specific web site is targeted at young students with beginner or elementary English language skills. The children may be in Years 1 to 3 at primary school.
This particular topic page is part of the much larger “Learn English Kids” web site developed by the British Council. The web site is targeted at young students, parents and teachers.
Exploring the site is easy via the tab based navigation options at the top of each page and the site-wide navigation at the bottom. Users can navigate to the following topic areas:
•Listen & watch
•Read & write
•Speak & spell
•Kids games
The interactive activities are intuitive and easy to complete. Spoken components are clearly dictated and supported with subtitles.
This family topic consists of a printable pdf activity sheet, four separate games and three speaking activities. There are also speaking and listening activities that utilise the family unit as a backdrop. The basic family depicted in the speaking activities are also utilised to illustrate the printable pdf activity sheet.
Teachers could download, print and utilise the pdf based activity and together with the four independent games and the three speaking/listening activities support a broader unit on the family.

Lesson idea: Families
Objective: Support and reinforce knowledge and understanding of vocabulary relating the concept of family. This lesson could be conducted over several classes.
Prior: The students have already acquired knowledge and understanding of terms concerning the family via previous classroom lessons. The terms would include father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, nephew, niece, parent, grandparent, baby.
Part 1:
The students are directed to a class based web page (with which they are familiar) with a link to the following web page to which they browse: Family
They are then directed to complete the four games listed on the right hand side of that web page:
•Family game # 1
•Family game #2
•Family game #3
•Family game #4
The students may be required to wear headphones if noise is an issue.
The teacher circulates around the room and checks in on the students’ progress. This is an opportunity for students to check and practice their knowledge. The students could be formed into small teams and the results of each team tabulated.
Part 2:
Teacher reviews the activity with the class and then completes a flash card based activity with the students using the flashcards supplied by the web site and perhaps additional cards created by the teacher:
Part 3:
Students complete the pdf based worksheet supplied by the web site:
Part 4:
The students are directed to a class based web page (with which they are familiar) with a link to the following three web pages to which they browse in turn:
• The camping adventure
•The picnic
•The zoo
Each student listens to the adventure, reads the subtitles and then in pairs create a collage with focal points consisting of mum, dad, brother and sister. They then add the specific events that those members of the family engaged in during the three stories to the collage.
In some societies or cultures adaptation may be required by the teacher to ensure the content is inclusive. As well, game 4, is referred to as “hangman” in the URL and features a monkey within the game. This could be considered inappropriate in some cultures and environments.
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