
Tossing out the past

Tossing out the past

Tossing out the past so it is not a burden in the future. Over the years I have gradually been giving away old stuff and dumping other crap so there is no shit to worry about when I die.

Tweets 1958AD and 2058AD

Tweets 1958AD and 2058AD

As I was researching Tommy Tomorrow I discovered this seemingly prophetic opening page even though the officer is only using a whistle. “Tweet! Tweet!” Enjoy.

Larkin in space

Larkin in space

I was once unwittingly part of an optimistic vision of the future where space exploration was quite matter of fact and exploring the planets was no more difficult than going for a bush walk today.

Neil Armstrong 1930-2012

Neil Armstrong 1930-2012

As you know Neil Armstrong has passed away. The Apollo 11 lunar landing in July 1969 was a defining moment in my life. I built models of the Saturn space rocket and the Lunar Model. I collected newspaper clippings and made scrapbooks.

Work, life and death

Work, life and death

After all, when you are on your deathbed, reminiscing about your life, do you really think you will be caring about all the boxes that you ticked, the promotions your received and the nice shiny offices that had your name on the door?

Notes from Taiwan

Notes from Taiwan

7-11 stores in Taiwan, and Japan for that matter, are an adventure in themselves. You can purchase just about anything. Anything. They also provide courier services. Food, drink, beer, snacks, nik-naks, and so on. One can spend ages in a Japanese 7-11 captivated and intrigued by what is on the shelves.