
Work, life and death

Work, life and death

After all, when you are on your deathbed, reminiscing about your life, do you really think you will be caring about all the boxes that you ticked, the promotions your received and the nice shiny offices that had your name on the door?

Notes from Taiwan

Notes from Taiwan

7-11 stores in Taiwan, and Japan for that matter, are an adventure in themselves. You can purchase just about anything. Anything. They also provide courier services. Food, drink, beer, snacks, nik-naks, and so on. One can spend ages in a Japanese 7-11 captivated and intrigued by what is on the shelves.

Zendags go north

Zendags go north

Went for a ride with my friend Evan along the cycle track that follows the coast from North Wollongong through to Sandon Point and beyond. It was a perfect afternoon and the cycle track was not too crowded.

The skies inspire

The skies inspire

During this Autumn the skies over the Illawarra have been impressive, particularly at sunset. The moon has been a part of these evening performances as well.

Waxing lunar

Waxing lunar

A few weeks back I was capturing the clouds as sunset progressed and I made a few attempts to photograph the moon through the thin evening clouds. A few of the photographs are in the gallery below.

Sky on fire

Sky on fire

The photographs in this gallery were taken on the 7th May 2012 looking west towards Nebo from Figtree. This Autumn is proving to rich with the most impressive of sunsets and these images demonstrate how the sky seemed to be on fire this particular evening.