
The End of an Era

The End of an Era

I think I know how Singaporeans must feel as the places they know well are torn down and swallowed up in the name of progress. Their kampongs, favourite eating places, schools and homes.

Technology OCD

Technology OCD

When it comes to computers, iPods, iPads and all that guff I, and seemingly many others, have been caught up in this unbelievable crazy black hole of needing to purchase the latest and greatest. What gives? What has happened? What has changed?

Mac OSX Links & Tools

Mac OSX Links & Tools

In support of a Mac workshop I thought I would gather together these resources and links in one place… Mac sites, maintenance, handy apps and installing OS X Lion

Walking NTU

Walking NTU

Photographs taken during my morning walk on the campus of Nanyang Technological University. The sun had just risen and the morning heat had not as yet set in.

Understanding technology

Understanding technology

Decision makers must understand the technology. They need to know the technology. Not simply use it.

80 Days

80 Days

The ABC has recently launched a site rich with media archives that are simply ideal for the teaching of Australian history. It is entitled “80 Days That Changed Our Lives”.