
Steve Collis #FF

Steve Collis #FF

Steve Collis is our special guest on Friday Follow Twitter Interview this week. Stephen is part of the innovative team at the Northern Beaches Christian School in Sydney.

Sonja Barfoed #FF

Sonja Barfoed #FF

Sonja Barfoed is our special guest this week on Friday Follow Twitter Interview. Sonja is an artist, librarian, urban food gatherer with a fondness for drawing, phrase searching & making book castles.

Meet my new editor

Meet my new editor

I hired a new editor recently in order to help me to stay on top of my writing commitments. I would like you to meet him. His name is Sootie.

Singapore Cirrus

Singapore Cirrus

The blue was deep and the cirrus clouds overhead gave things perspective. I stopped outside Red Hill MRT, grabbed my camera and took four photographs.

Off and on

Off and on

Have not posted for a couple of weeks. Have been disconnected for a week or so while I attend to life. Thought about switching off the mobile phone each weekend.

Dr Jason Fox #FF

Dr Jason Fox #FF

Dr Jason, Fox, an educator devoted to helping people harness the power of game design to boost productivity, influence behaviour and make clever happen, is tonight’s guest on Friday Follow Twitter Interview.