
Singapore National Academy

Singapore National Academy

I conducted a significant and rather special iPad in Education workshop at the Singapore National Academy in Surabaya, Indonesia, yesterday. I shall never forget this workshop.

Pupils and publishing

Pupils and publishing

Today I am giving a workshop at the annual MANTLE conference here in Newcastle. The workshop focuses upon publishing by students with an emphasis on writing.

Swarming honey bees

Swarming honey bees

I went to check in on our veggie garden this morning and was surprised to see quite a number of bees swarming around our compost bin.

Lizard sunbaking

Lizard sunbaking

Well, the lizards are out and that is a sure sign that spring is here. It is known as the Common or Eastern Water Skink.

Farewell Sootie

Farewell Sootie

My cat Sootie left this world today. He has been a good mate and a loyal companion. Following me around like a shadow and sitting by my side each morning and night.

Seen in Singapore

Seen in Singapore

Captured this moment as a visitor to Singapore gazed upon the shophouses in Chinatown. The camera preset was incorrect, yet, i like this picture as her upward look seems to express wonder.