
Jessica Vincent Allen #FF

Jessica Vincent Allen #FF

Jessica V Allen is our special guest this week. She is a widely traveled & inspirational teacher. You will surely benefit by including Jessica in your PLN.

Twitter views & news

Twitter views & news

I use Twitter via @john_larkin to share news & resources. In keeping with that I have updated my list of links to resources, articles & views regarding Twitter.

Social media articles

Social media articles

I have created a set of links to articles and online commentaries on social media, education and the current state of play for educators.

Barometer inner & outer

Barometer inner & outer

I had wanted to create an entirely new site in 2009 however life got in the way. Not surprisingly the stats for my new web site are not only a barometer for the site but also for my own well being.

Peter Morrissey ~ Historian

Peter Morrissey ~ Historian

Peter Morrissey created the superb Anzac Battlefields of World War One and Not Just A Name On The Wall to provide students with authentic and historical learning experiences.

Larry Ferlazzo #FF

Larry Ferlazzo #FF

This week’s Friday Follow Twitter Interview is with a very special guest, Larry Ferlazzo. I feel most honoured to feature Larry Ferlazzo on my site.