
Two kids play with water

Two kids play with water

This photograph takes me back. The family lived near the beach in North Wollongong on Bourke Street. The old house is still there. Seven children, Mum and Dad in a three bedroom home. The house is still there yet high rise and apartment buildings are encroaching. I was filling up the back of the Cyclops(…)

Meteorological majesty

Meteorological majesty

Back in August as I was driving along my street towards my home I noticed that the clouds in the west looked icy as the sun was setting. As soon as I arrived home I grabbed my camera and began photographing the clouds as the sun sank behind the horizon. In winter is not that(…)

Google Reader

Google Reader

RIP Google Reader Google Reader is to be retired on July 1st 2013. A sad day indeed. What is Google Reader? Google Reader allows you to keep track of the various web sites that you have bookmarked or  subscribed to in the past. In this manner you can easily keep track of any new items, stories(…)



What is Twitter? Twitter is an interesting beast. You need to give it a go and sort of figure it out as you go along. Find out what works best for you. My usage waxes and wanes lately. I need a new driver to make me tap into its value once again. Many individuals simply(…)

Pulau Ubin bike ride

Pulau Ubin bike ride

Bike riding on Pulau Ubin, an island located off the north-east coast of Singapore. One of Singapore’s remaining untouched areas with memories of yesteryear.



The joys of DropBox. How did I live without DropBox? Simply the most elegant of all the software tools that I use on a regular basis. A daily basis. It is not intrusive. It just sites there. Minding its own business. Looking after my files. DropBox provides a backup for the files I access and(…)