Desktop iPad Support Apps
Desktop applications that can enhance and empower your iPad experience include Disk Aid, Handbrake, Reflector and Air Server. Transfer files, convert video & display the iPad.
Desktop applications that can enhance and empower your iPad experience include Disk Aid, Handbrake, Reflector and Air Server. Transfer files, convert video & display the iPad.
I have updated a number of documents relating to the iPad and accessing the Cloud. The three doucments in question provide guides for Readdle Documents, CloudOn and Google Drive.
I have updated my guide for iMovie on the iPad. iMovie on the iPad is in many ways a significantly better application than its much larger cousin on the Apple Mac.
I gave the guide for Pages a bit of a spruce up and I have uploaded the latest version to this web site. It covers just about everything you may need to know. Pages is quite a good app and if Apple only allowed users to access DropBox for the sharing of files it would(…)
Created a guide for Keynote on the iPad. It is quite comprehensive and covers just about all the features of the app.
After installing Alfred last week I decided it was time to remove the Spotlight icon from the menubar so I did a little research and installed Mountain Tweaks to do the job.
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