~ www.larkin.net.au ~
Blended Learning

“How do I create an online course?” When creating and preparing materials for eLearning one has to decide which content and skills will be delivered online and those that will be imparted in a traditional method. Which instructional strategies will be employed? What platform will be used to publish the course materials?


Participants will be introduced to the fundamentals of developing an online course or lesson:

  • Working with content: Analysis, editing, categorizing and chunking
  • Creating, designing and developing activities
  • Scaffolding the learning experience
  • Techniques for online communication
  • Tools for online instruction
  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Practical approaches to developing online courses

The participants in this course will realize that educators can take several directions when choosing the instructional approach they wish to adopt in mapping out their online course. Decisions regarding the use of strategies such as developing appropriate objectives, planning learning strategies and creating appropriate assessment instruments will be with the participants.

The participants will have an opportunity to consider examples of approaches that have been used in online courses, such as collaborative tasks, role-playing, problem based learning and case study. Participants will be provided with materials and instruction for the creation of a simple online lesson that incorporates the following elements:

  • Introduction
  • Setting the scene (Problem description)
  • Demonstration and application of examples/non-examples
  • Testing the problem
  • Solution
  • Conclusion
  • Providing user support (glossaries, faqs, job hints)

Students will employ a web publishing tool such as Trivantis Lectora or Apple iWeb to create a sample lesson.


Upon conclusion of this workshop participants will be able to:

  • Plan and design an eLearning lesson
  • Prepare and organize resources for their online course development project
  • Implement basic storyboarding techniques
  • Create a simple online lesson using the Wizards and templates or from scratch via the use of software such Lectora or iWeb
  • Embellish the online lesson with user support capabilities
  • Import text files, images, audio, video, animations
  • Publish/distribute content in HTML or CD format

Creative Commons License
This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence.


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Digital Photography
Digital Videography
Comic Life
Web 2.0
Blended Learning
Web Presence
Trivantis Lectora
Managing your computer