Creating an Information Card
You will now make the Information Card. It is pictured in
Figure 34 below.
Figure 34. Information Card
It is similar to the other cards except for three
- It will be created as a new "Group" card.
- It includes a Graphic Object.
- It includes a simple Quicktime movie.
36. Select Ready Made Cards from the Edit menu and select
Group Card from the sub-menu
Figure 35. Edit Menu ... Ready Made Cards ...
Group Card
Your new card will appear with the four grouped buttons
created on the previous card already in place.
37. You need to create two text objects. One for the
titles and the other for the information. See figure 34
38. Create a Graphic Object. Select "Add a Graphic
ObjectÉ" from the Objects menu (Fig. 36).
Figure 36. Objects Menu ... Add a Graphic Object.
39. Choose your graphic object (picture) from a Disk File
(Figure 37). Click OK.
Figure 37. Picture Source Dialogue
40. Select the Trad Chinese Butterfly from the Tutorial
Resources folder in the dialog box which appears (Figure
Figure 38. Picture Dialogue Box
41. Once you have selected the picture the Graphic
Objects window will appear allowing you to select the area
of the graphic you desire. Select the graphic using the
rectangle or lasso selection tool (Figure 39). Click "OK".
Figure 39. Graphic Objects window.
42. Once you have clicked "OK" you can alter the
functionality of the object. At this stage we will not make
any changes. Simply click OK (Figure 40) and drag the
graphic where you wish it to appear on the card.
Figure 40. Graphic Appearance
43. Playing a Quicktime movie. We will set up a Quicktime
movie. You will need to create a button object with a
suitable action (Play video) and icon (movie strip). Create
your new button ensuring you give it the following
characteristics and features:
Play Movie
Show Name
Show Icon
Group (Refer Figure 28 below)
Refer Figure 34 above.
Play a movie or video...(Fig. 41)
Play a sound
Figure 41. Actions
44. When you click on "Play a movie or video..." in the
Actions dialogue box you will be given a choice as to where
you obtain the movie (Figure 42). Click on Disk File and
click OK.
Figure 42. Video/Movie Source Dialogue Box
45. The dialog box pictured in Figure 43 will appear.
Choose the Butterfly movie from the Tutorial resources
folder. Click Open.
Figure 43. File Dialogue Box.
46. Once you have selected the movie and placed it on
your card the following "Quicktime Movies" dialog box will
appear (Figure 44). Check the following options:
- Erase when done (That simply clears the movie off the
card ... it does not delete or damage the actual movie
... it "erases" the movie off the card.)
- Play over objects.
- Use movie controller
Click "OK" once you have checked these options. Click on
your new Play Movie button.
Figure 44. Quicktime Movies dialogue box